Monday, February 25, 2008

Today I Learned . . . .

That I can't make t-shirts for my life. Poo.


Megan said...

Aww. There's always Zazzle, but that's kind of expensive. Then there's always the spray paint and stencil method, which is cheaper, and in some instances, more fun. Haha. :-)

Anonymous said...

Hey! I found your blog when I was looking up the tampex commercial. I really like your interpretation of it. I also just read your entry about the myth of gray rape. Good stuff! Keep it up! I bookmarked your blog because I like the way you think.

Unknown said...

I found your blog in google a bit back.

I don't think "childfree by choice" can be really decided by someone at Megan's age - a teenager is simply not an adult legally or in terms of experience or brain maturity. Like plastic surgery it should be a decision and consideration reserved for much later.

And sadly with society at the point where it is, "childfree by choice" causes more trouble than it should. I doubt i could inflict that on myself.

Megan said...

Funny, I could have sworn I was legally an adult once I turned 18, gained the right to vote, and all that jazz.

Also, pray tell, what trouble does "childfree by choice" cause, other than the oogies it gives those who don't also choose that route?

FEMily! said...

Furthermore, if "childfree by choice" did cause any trouble, then why is age a factor at all? Wouldn't being 23 and childfree by choice be equally bad?

Unknown said...

"I could have sworn I was legally an adult once I turned 18"

18 is just an arbitary date - like the imaginary line between North Dakota and Manitoba.

seeing the CFBC post in the archive stuck in my craw because of its' sheer arrogance and ultimate fallacy - a 16 year old teenager making a major life decision, claiming adult status to make such a decision - without any of the maturity and length of life experience that a much older person - a genuine adult - would have.

FEMily! said...

Marta, young people make important life decisions all the time. In fact, I think the most important decision in life is what one will do with one's life, and that's decided before even leaving high school. Another important life decision that young women make is, unfortunately, whether or not to prosecute the man who raped or abused them. How much life experience does one need to have to make that decision? Or any decision?

Megan and I know that we don't want to have kids. I don't think you need much life experience to not want to pop one out and raise one for 18+ years. It just doesn't appeal to me, and I know it doesn't have to. It's not arrogance. It's a life choice.

Megan said...

Exactly. I'm in college, and I make important decisions all the time. One of them happens to be that I don't want to pop out any spawn. I don't see why that's anyone's business, let alone anything anyone should judge.