Saturday, October 14, 2006

Sexism in Text

My Human Development textbook has a chapter about the cognitive development in middle adulthood. The author discusses a study testing the abilities of young and old servers in a restaurant, which shows that while younger servers had better memory, older servers were able to sever more customers, even during the busy hours. The self-proclaimed feminist author of my book said that "[o]ne owner learned this the hard way,

'A pretty girl is an asset to any business, but we tried them and they fell apart on us . . . . They could not keep up the pace of our fast and furious lunch hours . . . . Our clients want good service; if they want sex-appeal they can go elsewhere.'"

Yes, because one's competence has all to do with physical attractiveness!


Anonymous said...

Well YES. Geeze.

Anonymous said...

I just don't function without my blush and eye shadow.