Monday, September 24, 2007

Love, Love, LOVE this commercial!!!!

As someone who was rejected by eHarmony, I was delighted to see advertisements for, a part of that doesn't reject anyone looking for love. One population that serves that eHarmony doesn't is the LGBTQ community, as shown in this commercial (all of their ads are hilarious, so watch them!). But the real great thing about this ad is the message that you can't "cure" homosexuality, no matter how many naked women (or men) you look at. It's just a great change from all the hypermasculine and sexist commercials out there. I just might e-mail their PR department.


Anonymous said...

That's absotely amazing! I was diagnosed with cancer this morning. I was feeling pretty down until I read this.

Megan said...

I know, man. That commercial kicks so much ass.

FEMily! said...


Sorry about your cancer. I'm glad my post about a socially conscious and funny commercial cheered you up :D